Tips to Hang Holiday Lights To Minimize Damage to Your Roof

As the holiday season approaches, the wish to adorn your home with sparkling lights might be high on your agenda. While these charming additions can create a festive ambience like no other, carelessly placed lights might also harm your roof, causing unwanted damage. With that in mind, here are some useful tips from Aspen Leaf Roofing, a top-rated Northern Colorado residential and commercial roofing contractor, to hang holiday lights while ensuring you minimize damage to your roof. Get a free quote today!

infograph about hanging lights

image of Christmas lights attached to a roof with clips

Use Light Clips

Rather than using nails or staples, which can damage roof materials, use specialized light clips. They are created to secure lights to your gutters or shingles, minimizing damage. These clips are easy to install and remove, safeguarding your home’s roof and keeping your holiday decorations in place.

Avoid Walking on the Roof

Each time you walk on your roof at your Northern Colorado home, there’s potential for damage. The weight and movement can loosen shingles and other materials, leading to leaks. Use a long pole with a hook to hang the lights from the ground or use a ladder appropriately to lower the risk of damage.

image of a staple gun with the no symbol overlayed

Don’t Attach Lights to Shingles

Shingles act as a protective layer for your roof, keeping out moisture and withstanding harsh weather conditions. Attaching lights to them can cause direct damage, so try to attach Christmas lights to your gutters or eaves instead.

image of a bundle of led christmas lights

Use LED Lights

LED lights use less energy and produce less heat than traditional bulbs, decreasing the risk of overheating and potential roof fires. They are safer, greener, and provide just as much luminosity.

image of lights being removed

Take Lights Down Timely

Do not leave the light strands attached to your Northern Colorado home’s roof for prolonged periods. They can create spots where snow, ice, or other elements gather and lead to roof or gutter damage. As a general guideline, remove the lights shortly after the holiday season. 

image of christmas lights

Check Lights Prior to Installation

Confirm that all bulbs are functioning and that there are no exposed wires or broken strands. Not only can this cause a short circuit, but faulty lights also pose a risk to your roof if they get too hot or catch fire.

Consider Professional Help

If you are not confident about hanging your lights, then consider seeking assistance from a professional installer. They have the right skills and tools to install holiday lights without harming your roof.  


Following these practical tips from Aspen Leaf Roofing will ensure your house stays illuminated during the holidays without the worry of roof damage. You can enjoy the joyous season with the peace of mind that your home stays protected. And, if you are in need of a residential or commercial roof inspection, repair, or installation in the greater Northern Colorado area, call us for a free quote. Happy Holidays!

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